This tragic story of this young Alberta family weighed heavy on many of us. As a person with a family, I feel it would be rare to find someone that wasn't affected by this story.
Finally for the public(anyway)we might feel a bit of closure, but also a lot more frustration in the outcome(or lack of)after so many years.
Without giving away the story, it seems like the people we are supposed to trust have been lying to us all. This is just one of the many that have come to light over that last 4-5 years for many of us.
How can we trust government and the medical profession, who have not been there to help people?
I hope you get a chance to see the movie and to meet Todd and David. This feels more like they opened their home to me, than just another movie.
I still have a hard time believing that this is happening here in Alberta.
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I would really appreciate your thoughts on this gripping story.
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